Heading to the Edinburgh Fringe this summer!
July 31–August 26 at the Bedlam Theatre
July 19–21 in NYC — 4 performances only!

Her father survived the unspeakable.
The least she can do is get a life.

written & performed by
directed by

What does it mean to remember the Holocaust today? How do you bear the legacy of trauma while forging ahead in the twenty-first century? Jane Elias wrestles with these questions as she chronicles her relationship with her father, Beni, a Sephardic Jew from Greece who survived Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen. When she realizes she may not be able to grant his wish to one day dance with his daughter at her wedding, she looks for another way to honor him, traveling to Poland to take part in the March of the Living. From her suburban upbringing in Long Island to her days as a single adult in New York City, Do This One Thing for Me is an acutely observed portrait, filled with tender humor, longing, and self-discovery — a transcendent pas de deux between two generations and a daughter’s love letter to her dad.
Catch us in NYC this July at the Barrow Group Performing Arts Center! Four performances July 19-21. And then we’re off to Scotland!
Friday, July 19 @ 8:30 pm
Saturday, July 20 @ 4 & 8:30 pm
Sunday, July 21 @ 4 pm

We’re heading to the Edinburgh Fringe this summer! July 31–August 26 at the Bedlam Theatre
For PR inquiries, please contact:
It takes a village!
Your tax-deductible donation will help us to cover our production costs, including venue rental, rehearsal space, housing and airfare, PR and marketing, and artist and technician fees. We greatly appreciate your support!
Do This One Thing for Me is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Do This One Thing for Me must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Jane Elias © 2024
DO THIS ONE THING FOR ME was originally developed in Matt Hoverman’s GO-SOLO workshops. GO-SOLO.org.
design: mtholmesdesign.com